
Sunday, September 30, 2012


ATTENTION Retailers, gym owners, sales reps, entrepreneurs and unemployed gym rats! Now's a great chance to make some money with HBB's original fitness jewelry. For 1 week only we've reduced your buy-in for wholesale pricing by 50% Go to 

For this week only, ending next Friday, you can buy any jewelry product on the HBB website at 50% off with a buy-in of just $200! That's right, so long as you spend 200$, you'll be getting $400 worth of jewelry! 

This is a great way of getting your feet wet as a retailer of our product.
If you wish to take advantage of this fantastic, limited time savings, simply go to , spend at least $400, enter COUPON CODE PROMO50 and that 400 will turn into 200 as your ticket will be adjusted by an incredible 50% savings! 

This is the best time to get your wholesale product and start making money with this product! HURRY and SHOP because this promotion won't last!Time to get ready for busy holiday shopping season.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What Our Customers Are Saying!

"HardBody Bling has stylish jewelry at its best.
I only order from them because the quality of their product is exceptional. It has yet to tarnish, and I wear it in the pool, shower and
the GYM! I get many compliments on my dumbbell necklace that coincide with my body. When asked where they can get one, I tell them at
HardBody Bling. Don't waste your time searching the internet for cheap jewelry. You'll find HardBody Bling to be cost effective for every wallet."

Thanks Vicky! Lookin good!
To see more about Victoria be sure to check out

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HBB Loves Entrepreneurs!

Hi HBB Friends, 
In the spirit of maximizing your human potential, take a look at Ali's 
We at HBB love her! 
 Take a LOOK:
Years ago, entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown decided to sell her 
first little e-book. Humble as it was, she still remembers being 
so nervous about posting it for sale online that she thought her 
heart would beat out of her chest! 
But her fears quickly dissipated when she saw *order after order* 
stack up in her email inbox, while she was out at the gym. And 
many of you know the rest... Ali grew that great little income 
stream of an extra few hundred dollars a month into what is today 
a multimillion-dollar business. 
Right now, women and men of all ages, businesses, and backgrounds 
are *making money online with info-publishing* (also called 
"information marketing" or "info-products"). 
Every day, revenues are generated with *every topic under the 
sun*-raw food recipes, meeting your mate, losing weight, 
financial planning, talking with angels, interior decorating... you 
name it. 
And while Ali's talked about this topic for years and taught it 
as part of her more extensive courses, she's NEVER dedicated a 
special report to simply creating information products that SELL, 
let alone a FREE report! Until now... 
"Info-Publishing Secrets: Cash-In on What You Already Know!" 
In this instant PDF download, Ali has teamed up with "The 
InfoProduct Guy" James Roche to show you how to get started with 
information products, what's selling best these days, what's NOT 
working these days, and more. 
If you've been struggling to *generate revenues online with 
info-publishing*--or you're ready to get IN on this new revenue 
stream--you're going to love this information-rich report. 
WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? Download your free copy here now: 
Gina Wilson
HBB Executive Director  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wellness Means Business

HBB is committed to the concept of whole person wellness and strength. Such strength is empowering and motivating. One of our favorite leaders who puts this philosophy into practice daily is Ali Brown. For all you ladies out there, I challenge you to take a listen and see if this lady doesn't motivate you to reach for the stars!  Click on the link and listen to Ali today! It's free, so why not. See if you too don't get hooked...

TODAY is Day 2 of entrepreneur mentor and ABC's "Secret 
Millionaire" Ali Brown's FREE 3-day virtual event: 
"The Feminine Edge." Ali will be sharing some of her best 
strategies for SUCCESS alongside 13 brilliant luminary women. 
It's not too late to join this powerful series! Sign up free 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"RUNNING STRONG" Makes its Debut!!

Hey all you Runners! Our brand new collection "RUNNING STRONG" (TM) is debuting a line of weight plate RUNNING STRONG sterling pendants for your Stylish Motivation! Available in black, metallic blue, and hot pink lacquer, and in 5K, 10K, 13.1 and 26.2 styles. All original HBB designs hand fabricated right here in the USA. Check out the first pieces on eBay now!

And check back on soon for more in this exciting new running collection!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Power of Woman

Looking at this awesome photo of one of our satisfied HBB customers, Victoria Lodise, gave me a great sense of satisfaction! Victoria received her beautiful sterling barbell pendant for Mother's Day, which means, what?? Yes, this beautiful, outrageously fit woman manages to care for herself AND a child or children! She is strong AND nurturing. At HBB, we love that!

Isn't it strange that not that long ago women weren't supposed to be strong, or have opinions, or lead companies, or govern or even vote. Attempts to do so were met with ridicule, derision and often aggression. We've come a long way since then, but the young women of today could use the reminders that they are unique, powerful, capable individuals who deserve respect.

Fitness of body, and development of mind and soul, are part of whole person wellness which leads to true satisfaction. Our daughters need to know that living a rich, vital life means seizing the day in all areas: but health and wellness must be primary, for without these you lack the energy and strength - and consequently the desire - to pursue the other areas. When you make the time to work out, don't you just feel better?

A male friend who let his fitness lapse years ago recently said to me, "I'm gonna do it again. I'm gonna get big!!" But what I wanted to tell him is that fitness is a LIFESTYLE, not an isolated EVENT. Of course, if you're a competitive bodybuilder you want to build muscle and "Get big"... but what my friend should really want is to "get strong", "get fit", "get healthy"! Cuz that's how you "GET LIFE!"

So, here's to you, Victoria! One stylishly motivated, fit, strong woman! Hoo ya!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Appreciating the Moment

Ok, so there's a cliche saying that life's what happens while you're busy making other plans. Simply put, this means that life is now. It's never tomorrow or yesterday. It's always the present moment. And while striving for a better tomorrow is part of living a purposeful life, it defeats the purpose if we're so stressed over tomorrow that we miss today.

How does this philosophy relate to your fitness goals? Well, I think it just helps to keep a balanced perspective: Goals for improvement? Yes! Dreams for a better tomorrow? Absolutely! But don't forget to give yourself that pat on the back for all you have achieved yesterday and today. And don't forget to look at what is RIGHT with today--not just what is wrong with it-- and stop and breathe in the moment with full gratitude and joy. Without this, you aren't really living..are you?


POWER QUOTE of the DAY: “If the only prayer you said your whole life was ‘thank you’ that would suffice.” Meister Eckhart

A good read no matter what your background or religion.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Food Fit for a...? Factory??

Ok, my FIT FRIENDS, I'm usually quite the positive one, but this evening I have a bit of a sit yourself down!

 As the child of a wholesale produce distributor, I grew up not with Mom buying fruits and vegetables at the store, but with Dad bringing home lugs of produce direct from the farms. It was FRESH, WHOLESOME, and, best of all, IT TASTED GOOD! And I don't mean good like that term is used today, but I mean REALLY, REALLY GOOD! A Tomato tasted like a Tomato, not like some mealy cardboard that could, perhaps, in fact be a pear if you ate it blindfolded. If it weren't for texture, I'm not sure I could distinguish one food type for another today half the time. And what's with that big white thing in the middle of the ginormous strawberries that may be big and red and last forever on the shelf, but leave your taste buds questioning if you've developed a sinus infection because there's NO fragrance at all, so no wonder there's no taste!! WHY IS THIS? Kids today don't even know what good food is. Not their fault! They haven't tried it! And why, pray tell? GMOs!

Yes, friends, you no longer eat the fresh, unadulterated gifts of the universe and its maker. Nope. Instead, we dine daily on the science experiments of sterile factories trying with all their might to maximize profits with increased shelf life and fattened up cattle that produce more milk than they were ever intended to.

So, what's the repercussions for us consumers?

Are we healthier for it all? Do we enjoy our food more? Let's just say, this stuff can't be good for you! And it doesn't taste all that great either!

Have we improved on Mother Nature? HARDLY! .... Being fit means being your best, inside and out. I can't see where these lab-created versions of food "fit" into the picture. My mother's been crying foul on this for her credit. But I revisited the info, thanks to my good friend, Waltzing Mathilda.

So, Mathilda, whenever you're ready, the train for Oregon is at the station...Either that, or we could try breaking out the time warp machine...


I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.

E. B. White

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Good Morning Fitness Peeps,

Please check out our current adverts running in this month's FLEX and MUSCLE MAG Magazines on sale now!

As always, thank you for following, and have a Strong and Healthy day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


HBB's Spring Sale is here and lasts through May 31st! Right now, buy ANY 2 ITEMS in the store and receive 33% OFF your entire order. Plus when your order totals $99 or more, you get FREE Standard Shipping -- ALWAYS! Check out the Women's, Men's and Kids' sections for a peek at the AWESOME sports watches for Spring, and check back frequently to see the new styles we'll be showcasing which are currently under production!

So, why not indulge on that perfect Easter or Passover gift? Or just treat yourself to some Stylish Motivation!

Have a Strong and Healthy Day!!


QUOTE of the DAY:  Enjoy Every Moment Life Brings You!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Who is Friedric Muller??

As HBB prepares something very special for the NPC Emerald Cup this year, it takes me back to days of previous NPC expo participations. Back to when my gracious friend, Debbie Dobbins, was still alive and at the top of her game. To the days when HBB, then M&G Manufacturing, created special charms and rings for the likes of then IFBB pro, Flex Wheeler. (Ok, I'm dating myself now.) It feels good to be back... and it made me start wondering...

Where exactly did the modern fitness craze emerge and how did it develop? Ok, admittedly, this must be the History major in me, but I just had to probe a bit. And in doing so, I stumbled upon an historical figure, perhaps well known to some, but previously not to me I dare say. I'm talking about one Friedric Muller? Ok, I can hear you now... Who is this guy? Or better yet, WHO CARES? (For those of you who DO know, bravo!)

Well if you are a bodybuilder, or into strength training and figure sculpting at any level, you might know him better as Eugene Sandow... or not. Eugene, fitness peeps, is considered the father of bodybuilding as we know it today.While he started out in Europe as a professional strongman, Sandow exercised his mind as well as his body. He is credited with starting the first bodybuilding magazine, Physical Culture, and with developing some of the first bodybuilding equipment. For Sandow, strength alone was not important; aesthetic symmetry was also valued in the tradition of the ancient Greeks. Our friend, Eugene's, legacy endures with his image represented on the Mr. Olympia statuette.

So there you have it. An interesting and important human being who left his mark on the fitness world over a hundred years ago. He had a passion, and he made a difference.

What will bloggers say about you, or me, a hundred years from now??

 QUOTE OF THE DAY:  Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
                                                        Steve Jobbs


Monday, March 12, 2012

Resolve Daily - Not Just Once a Year...

Ok, so today I was reflecting on my New Year's resolutions from this past year, and the year before that, and dare I say, the year before that. I was thinking about what had stayed the same, what had changed and how much closer I was today to actualizing my dreams than 1, 2 or 3 years ago. I started wondering about the benefits of making such resolutions in the first place, and wondered what do other people resolve and how good a job do most people do in keeping those resolutions.

I think it's probably fair - and not too extremely cynical - to speculate that most people repeat some of the same resolutions year after year, but I think it's not the unfulfilled resolutions that we should focus on. Rather, it's the ones fulfilled. For every 5 lost dreams or unfulfilled wishes, resolve each day to make one goal a reality. Yes, I said each day. Not just once a year. Not that New Year's resolutions are useless or superfluous; quite the contrary. I think taking stock of your life each year is a worthwhile and productive tradition. It's like setting aside a specific place and time to work or eat or think or play or pray. It gives some form to your abstractions. And besides all that philosophical gunk, it's just plain fun to dream!

But, let's face it, the hard work of living purposefully comes with the resolutions we form each day and each minute, with every choice we make and every turn we take. These daily resolutions are what shape the New Year's resolutions of the future.

Not too surprisingly, 4 out of the top 10 New Year's resolutions people make according to a recent poll involve health and wellness: "Fit in fitness", Tame the Bulge", "Quit Smoking", "Quit Drinking." The remaining resolutions focused on mental and emotional well being issues. So, overall, taken as a package, most of us, it seems, are striving to improve our whole being wellness. To transform those goals from dream to reality, it's like that baby learning to walk - one step at a time. Falling down doesn't mean we should stay down; it means, get up and try again and this time your balance may just be that much improved. "Two steps forward, one step back" is a cliche because it's so true.

This may be disappointing news for some since we seem to be an "instant" society. We want it all and we want it now.  But your dreams, your goals, your life aren't realized by magic; they are realized by your choices, your work, your sweat and your courage.

So take stock of your lives, dear friends (and self!), and keep taking those baby steps daily toward those goals you have set for yourself. Come December 31st, let's vow to have to dream up some NEW ideas and aspirations -- for the old ones have already been realized! 

QUOTE of the DAY:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Enough Said... Now Hit the Gym!

When I ran my first half Marathon in San Diego two years ago, I trained decently for it and performed time-wise better than I had anticipated. I was elated at the finish and felt like a veritable superhero. About an hour later, Clark Kent's cape flew off and glasses went back on, as my very un-heroic knee gave way. I blew my IT band pretty badly and my knee swelled to a point where I was left sitting in a Chinese restaurant with an elevated leg while my running partner, turned RN/Physical Therapist,  ran (figuratively) to the nearest grocery store for tape! Hobbling back two blocks to my hotel, after running 13.1 miles with no apparent trouble, just didn't seem fair. This was celebration time and I was crippled! I learned then and there the absolute necessity of strength training. In all of my training for the America's Finest, my emphasis had always been on the run: farther, faster... but never stronger. And I paid the price.

Came across an interesting article highlighting all the benefits of weight lifting. Some of the top ones are:

* Weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your basal metabolism... which causes you to burn more calories 24 hours-a-day. You'll even burn more calories while you're sleeping.

* Weight training can *reverse* the natural decline in your metabolism which begins around age 30.

* Weight training energizes you.

* Weight training strengthens your bones reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis.

* Weight training improves your muscular endurance.

* Weight training makes you strong. Strength gives you confidence and makes daily activities easier.

* Weight training makes you less prone to low-back injuries.

* Weight training decreases your resting blood pressure.

* Weight training decreases your risk of developing adult onset diabetes.

* Weight training decreases your gastrointestinal transit time, reducing your risk for developing colon cancer.

And from a Runner's Resource I hear:

* You'll Be More Efficient: Strength training can help you run faster, longer, and more efficiently.

AND, perhaps most significantly:

* You'll Be Less Injury-Prone: The author in this resource goes on to say: " Leg exercises are particularly important when it comes to reducing injury: These exercises strengthen muscles around the knees and hips—two areas that often cause problems for runners. "

You Don't Say!!!

Lesson: Whatever your taste, get your game on. But don't forget to hit the gym. Enough said.

Power Word of the Day: LIFT

Quote of the Day:
We do not stop exercising because we grow old - we grow old because we stop exercising.
Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Cooper Institute.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Well, that, dear friends, would be the International Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN for short. And while I've never met an ICANN person, I CAN tell you, they've met me. ICAAN types are the reason we haven't cracked open the bubbly yet... but, no worries, fitness friends, I CAN assure you that this wee glitch of a waiting game will be overcome and HBB will debut the new site as soon as I CAN!!

Meanwhile, the champagne remains chillin...

POWER WORD of the DAY: Patience

Monday, February 27, 2012

70 in February? BRING IT!

Growing up in Southern California near the beach meant plenty of warm weather and outdoor time. Being outdoors meant running, playing, biking, skating... everything I still love to do! Perhaps that's why I am still a warm weather runner to this day. Warm weather boost the spirits, whether you know it or not--no pun intended. Now, don't get angry, you die-hard snow peeps. Plenty of cold weather exercise to be had. But just for fun, take a look at what Science Daily had to say about my beautiful sunshine...

Warm weather boosts mood, broadens the mind

QUESTION: Is the GYM enough for you, or do you, like me, need your OUTDOOR fitness fix?

For me, heat is akin to passion: it's time to move, it's time to enjoy, it's time to live!

QUOTE of the DAY: 
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  ~Robin Williams


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gather Ye Rosebuds... What's That??

Today's message friends is quite simply about seizing the now. Living today, in this minute, this place, this time. Living fully. Living purposefully. Doing today what you want and need to do. Because tomorrow never really comes, does it? It's always just today. This is what you have. Don't waste it. In every part of your life, make this moment everything you want it to be!

Be Inspired. Now Make it Happen!

Quote of the Day:
 Carpe Diem; Seize the Day!

Power Word of the Day:  NOW
Target Date of the Debut of 

(Drumroll Please)

 Please Stop By and We'll Share Some Virtual Champagne!

WHY am I so Happy??

Ok, so I'm running along my neighborhood path today, panting as I take a rather steep hill which quickly made me realize just how important it is to NOT get out of your fitness routine even for a short time, when I realize that despite that tough hill, I really am just SO HAPPY. Not the ha, ha isn't this fun kind of happy. But the deep sense of well being kind of happy where you feel just plain grateful to be alive to experience this incredible world! And part of that is just the pure exhilaration of breaking that sweat however you like to do it! Check this out:

Exercise Makes You Happy! Proven Scientific Fact!

  QUOTE of the DAY: 

Against the grain should be a way of life
 What's worth the price is always worth the fight
 Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life
  - Nickelback


Friday, February 24, 2012

Beautiful Day in This Corner of HBB World!

Another weekend and that much closer to the opening of the HBB store! It's truly a joy, my fitness-minded friends, to wake up each morning to the understanding that my destiny is in my hands. Fitness of the whole person-- mind, body and spirit-- is a personal and professional value here at HBB. Being fit doesn't mean just looking your best. It doesn't even mean just feeling your best. It means actualizing your human potential, being the best YOU you can be, and living each day to the fullest.

Well, the sun is shining and the air is gloriously crisp. Off for a run!

QUOTE of the DAY: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph W. Emerson


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


HBB is coming YOUR WAY in the next edition of IRONMAN. Due to Subscribers by February 27th!! We are very excited to advertise with this mag once again! Check it out!!

Quote of the Day: A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.

Power Word of the Day: MOVE

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Presidents Day!

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

QUOTE of the DAY: Fear and Regret: Twin evils which stand  between you and your goals...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fridays are the BEST!

Well, friends, another day closer to the dawn of HBB's new site! It's a beautiful day in Las Vegas. Sunny and 70. Who would guess it's February? Hope all of you are feeling invigorated this Friday afternoon! Safe and fun holiday weekend to all... Countdown 12 days... but who's counting??!!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Today's the first day of the rest of your life!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Welcome and Thanks for Visiting!!

WELCOME to the world of   HARDBODYBLING, or HBB for short!

 HBB is a fitness design company based out of Las Vegas, Nevada with factories in both Los Angeles and Vegas. While HBB serves customers primarily online, you can also find us through direct mail order in national and international publications such as FLEX, MUSCLE MAG and IRONMAN magazines. You might also catch us attending a number of fitness and sporting events throughout the country!

HBB believes in bringing forward-fashion fitness jewelry, apparel and accessories to our customers with the best quality at affordable pricing. We know you work hard pursuing excellence of body and mind, and HBB's goal is to provide product that reinforces your motivation. We call it Stylish Motivation!

While some competitors outsource manufacturing abroad, HBB tries to keep it home here in the USA when at all possible. That's why all HBB jewelry is proudly hand crafted right here in California. When you buy an original HBB piece from us, know that you are supporting the local economy.

HBB supports all individuals, particularly athletes and dancers, who tirelessly strive to achieve their goals. Looking good is part of feeling good... let HBB help you get there!

QUOTE of the DAY: If you BELIEVE it, you can ACHIEVE it!